27-06-16 Mandatory retirement for educators over age 67
The Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs has issued clarifications regarding the automatic redundancies for primary and secondary school teachers due to the age limit (67 years old). These mandatory retirement provisions will continue to be enforced beyond the end of the academic year (21-06 and 30-6 respectively) once educators have reached age 67. This is in accordance with the written response of the Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reconstruction to a query from our bureau, which follows:
Under the provisions of article 59 of law 4369/2016, there was a revision of article 155 of the Civil Servants’ Code of law 3528/2007, which regulates the mandatory retirement of civil servants that fall under its purview. Specifically, age 67 was set as the mandatory retirement age. Paragraph 2 of article 155, which provided for exceptional mandatory redundancy upon reaching age 60 and completing 35 years of pensionable service, was abolished.
The above provisions resulted in a change in the age of mandatory redundancy of employees, but no change in other preconditions for mandatory redundancy in other provisions, such as paragraph 1of article 4 of law 3687/2008, regarding the end of the teaching year, for which your ministry is competent.