02 08 16 prosfiges

06-09-16 Cooperation of Ministry of Education with International Organizations, NGOs on refugee children's education

 Following the meeting of the General Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Yiannis Pantis, with International Organizations and NGOs on refugee education, which took place on August, 25, it is reminded that:

- The International Organizations and the Non-Governmental Organizations can operate in the field of refugee education (non-formal) in hours and days which do not overlap with the timetable of the Ministry for the nurseries and the reception classes (daily from 2-6 pm). In order to provide any kind of activities engaging with refugee education, you will need to obtain accreditation from the Institute for Educational Policy (IEP) throughout the form http://www.iep.edu.gr/images/perigrafh_ekpaid_drast_prog.docx

- The above form should be sent to IEP at info@iep.edu.gr by September, 15.

- By the same deadline (09/15/2016), the IOs and NGOs are kindly requested to send the list of the reception centers they wish to operate in to the Working Group on the Management, Coordination and Monitoring of the Refugee Education of the Ministry (at info-refugee-education@minedu.gov.gr ) to facilitate the distribution of activities by the Ministry.

- Considering that, in the previous period, there has been an overcrowding of activities in particular reception centers and a total absence of activity in other centers (which are also those less accessible), please kindly be reminded that we will seek to distribute equally the offered activities in all reception centers. We expect, therefore, your understanding and cooperation.


Based on the international treaties and on its own values and principles, Greece is developing an annual preparatory programme for the insertion of school-age refugee children into the country’s formal educational system. Based on the current pedagogical and educational norms, the procedures to follow should ensure the optimal results.

For the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs, the academic committee for the management of education for refugee children is the guarantor, of a comprehensive pedagogical intervention aiming at the psychosocial support and education of these children, and their smooth induction into the educational system, whether they relocate in the future or remain in Greece.

The Reception Classes (TY) and the Reception Infrastructures (DYEP) at schools for the education of elementary and junior high school refugee children will consist of classes preparing them to enter formal education, focusing on the learning of the Greek-language.

It is of the utmost importance to constantly communicate with and inform the parents of the refugee children and also the parents of the children who already study at schools where reception classes will be established, as well as the local societies.

The educators involved in these programmes will receive specialized training.

The monitoring and supervision of the educational activities in the reception centers will be carried out by special Refugee Education Coordinators (SEP). These will brief the Ministry regularly on the educational activities organized by NGOs and refugee solidarity groups, so as to register all educational interventions with refugee children.

The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP), the Ministry’s academic institution competent for primary and secondary school education, will be responsible for the following:

-          Diagnostic testing on the basis of which children will be admitted to preparatory classes, according to: A) Age; B) Prior knowledge (whether they attended school in their country or not, and for how long); C) level of knowledge of the Greek language; D) Other particularities

-          Setting the school schedule and curriculum

-          Issuing the student card that students will carry wherever they relocate

-          Drafting and selecting school workbooks

-          Coordinating the training of teachers of the Reception Infrastructures and the Reception Classes.

In the initial phase of the programme, the focus will be on the mandatory education, i.e. kindergarten to junior high school (gymnansio) level.  

The educational planning of the Ministry will be based on the age of the children:

-          For children 4-7 years old, kindergarten branches will be established within the reception centers

-          Children 7-15 years old will be admitted to reception classes or reception infrastructures at nearby public schools, in order to learn Greek

-          For unaccompanied minors 14-18 years old, the Center for the Development of Education Policy of the Greek General Confederation of Labour, in cooperation with the Directorate of Vocational Education and other institutions, will draft a plan to integrate these children into technical education and vocational schools, if they wish.

Classes in Reception Infrastructures in nearby reception centers will be conducted daily between 14:00 and 18:00. For the school year 2016-2017, classes concern Greek and English-language classes, mathematics, and computer skills.

The Hellenic Ministry of Education is exclusively responsible for providing formal education. International Organizations and NGOs may be active in the area of refugee education outside the schedule of the kindergartens, or any of the established reception classes, once they receive accreditation from IEP, through the form: http://www.iep.edu.gr/images/perigrafh_ekpaid_drast_prog.docx

The above form must be sent by September, 15 to IEP at the email: info@iep.edu.gr. By the same deadline, International Organizations and NGOs should submit to the Working Group on the Management, Coordination and Monitoring of Refugee Education of the Ministry, the list of reception centers in which they wish to work (at the email: info-refugee-education@minedu.gov.gr ). In the previous period, over-concentration of activities in specific reception centers mps has been observed, with simultaneous absence of activity in other centers (usually the less accessible). The Ministry requires the understanding and cooperation of International Organizations and NGOs to achieve an equitable distribution of activities at the reception centers.

It is of paramount importance to avoid overlapping activities and waste funding. In cooperation with the Ministry, NGOs and International Organizations can play an important role in areas such as providing material-technical infrastructure, vocational and technical training, adult education, teaching of refugees’ native languages (e.g. Arabic and Farsi) but also other languages such as French and German), and informal education (vocational, athletic, and various creative activities).

In addition, NGOs and solidarity groups can positively contribute to supporting infants up to four years old, and to getting cultural mediators and translators.

The Ministry has invited representatives of NGOs to submit proposals for educational activities that they are planning, so that Memorandums of Understanding can be signed with the Ministry soon.

The representatives of International Organizations and NGOs expressed their support to the Ministry, and the fact that they are willing to cooperate with the Ministry to meet the challenges and potential problems of the education of refugees.

Until the end of December 2016, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will contribute 2,8 million Euros (out of a total of 9,5 million needed for expenses regarding transportation, employment of school bus escorts, school cleaning services, etc.) to cover expenses of transportation of the children from the centers to the reception classes in nearby schools. The Ministry and IOM are working on the possibly that IOM covers other expenses as well, such as heating, cleaning, infrastructure improvement at schools, etc.

Towards the end of September, the first children are expected to attend the preparatory classes at the Reception Infrastructures. .


Η είσοδος του κοινού στο κτήριο του Υπουργείου Παιδείας, Θρησκευμάτων και Αθλητισμού επιτρέπεται καθημερινά κατά τις ώρες 12.00-15.00. Η είσοδος των Δικηγόρων στο κτήριο επιτρέπεται ελεύθερα με την επίδειξη της επαγγελματικής τους ταυτότητας κάθε εργάσιμη ημέρα και ώρα χωρίς κανέναν χρονικό ή άλλο περιορισμό. Η είσοδος του κοινού στα γραφεία του Κεντρικού Πρωτοκόλλου και στο Γραφείο Ενημέρωσης Πολιτών επιτρέπεται καθημερινά κατά τις ώρες 9.00-15.00. Η εξυπηρέτηση του κοινού πραγματοποιείται βάσει των παγίων ισχυουσών διατάξεων. Για την αποφυγή συνωστισμού εντός του εσωτερικού χώρου εξυπηρέτησης και αναμονής του κοινού, η εξυπηρέτησή του δύναται να πραγματοποιείται κατόπιν προγραμματισμένου ραντεβού.

Σε κάθε περίπτωση για την διευκόλυνση του κοινού αλλά και την ταχύτερη εξυπηρέτησή του, συνιστάται ιδιαίτερα η υποβολή αιτήσεων στο Κεντρικό Πρωτόκολλο μέσω της διεύθυνσης ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου protocol@minedu.gov.gr ή της ηλεκτρονικής υπηρεσίας e-αίτηση, https://mydocs.minedu.gov.gr.



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