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28-09-16 Guidelines for new primary, junior high, and high school religion courses

Upon the recommendation of the Institute of Educational Policy (Act 37/19-09-2016 of the Board of Directors) we are issuing the following guidelines for implementation of the news studies programmes for religion courses in primary schools, junior high schools, and high schools.

As of the 2016-2017 school year, in the teaching of the religion courses at all educational levels the new programme of studies for religion in primary schools and junior high schools (Decision 143575/Δ2/07-09-2016, Government Gazette  Β 2920/13.09.2016) and in high schools (Decision 143579/Δ2/07-09-2016, Government Gazette Β 2906/13.09.2016) will be implemented, replacing the Inter-Topical Uniform Programme of Studies framework and the analytical programmes of mandatory education (2003) and the analytical high school programme (1998), as regards the respective portions on religious instruction.

Α. Objective of implementation

The new programme of Studies in Religion aims at providing support to teachers in fulfilling their duties, providing them with all the necessary equipment and adequate support in all phases of the teaching process.

Β. Documents, teaching materials, and infrastructure to support implementation

  1. Programmes of Studies:

The main contents of the programmes of studies, as published in the above Government Gazette are to be sent to schools. Their full publication, which now include introductory notes, interpretations and supplementary material are posted on the website of the Institute of Educational Policy. They are intended exclusively for teachers’ guidance and support and not teaching books.  

2. Teachers’ Guides

Teacher’s guide for primary school religious instruction for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades and for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of junior high school, and for all three high school years.

The latest edition of the Guide for Educators is posted on the website of the Institute of Educational Policy. The previous editions have been revised. These guides are a necessary tool for teaching. Here, the teaching process is detailed step-by-step and the teaching activities are described. The religious education guide for primary schools and junior high schools may be helpful for high school teachers as well.

  1. Teaching Material

Until the publication of new teaching books, to facilitate teachers in planning and teaching, the Expert Committees which drafted the new programmes of studies, in cooperation with groups of teachers, collected teaching material for students, needed for the first implantation of the studies programmes, along with informational and support material for educators. The material is in digital form and includes written text, images, and multi-media material.

4. A website to support implementation will be created by the Institute for Educational Policy at teachers can find the texts, teaching materials, announcements regarding implementation, a contact form to reach the project academic team for training and implementation support. The site will be constantly updated with new material.

Academic project team, for re-training and implementation of religion studies programme

For the preparation, oversight and support an academic team of responsibility has been formed.

C. The new programme will be overseen by the central administration of the Education Ministry and the Institute of Educational Policy, through the Project Academic responsibility team. Further responsibilities will be handled by

1. Regional Educational Directorates in cooperation with Academic and Pedagogical Guidance teams, school counselors, Directorates of Primary and Secondary School generation, coordinate and oversee implementation, secure spaces for training of teachers, and cooperate with the academic project responsibility team.

2. Primary school counselors and school counselors of theologians coordinate briefing of teachers, help organise training, refer queries from teachers to the academic team, and draft a year-end report.

3. School principals along with teachers’ associations help implementation wherever needed, and secure instruction in a unified two-hour period. It should be noted that this year students will receive the old textbooks which teachers may use as sources in cases where the topics coincide with the revised programme.

4. Theologian-teachers must implement the new programme from the start of the year and participate in training.


Η είσοδος του κοινού στο κτήριο του Υπουργείου Παιδείας, Θρησκευμάτων και Αθλητισμού επιτρέπεται καθημερινά κατά τις ώρες 12.00-15.00. Η είσοδος των Δικηγόρων στο κτήριο επιτρέπεται ελεύθερα με την επίδειξη της επαγγελματικής τους ταυτότητας κάθε εργάσιμη ημέρα και ώρα χωρίς κανέναν χρονικό ή άλλο περιορισμό. Η είσοδος του κοινού στα γραφεία του Κεντρικού Πρωτοκόλλου και στο Γραφείο Ενημέρωσης Πολιτών επιτρέπεται καθημερινά κατά τις ώρες 9.00-15.00. Η εξυπηρέτηση του κοινού πραγματοποιείται βάσει των παγίων ισχυουσών διατάξεων. Για την αποφυγή συνωστισμού εντός του εσωτερικού χώρου εξυπηρέτησης και αναμονής του κοινού, η εξυπηρέτησή του δύναται να πραγματοποιείται κατόπιν προγραμματισμένου ραντεβού.

Σε κάθε περίπτωση για την διευκόλυνση του κοινού αλλά και την ταχύτερη εξυπηρέτησή του, συνιστάται ιδιαίτερα η υποβολή αιτήσεων στο Κεντρικό Πρωτόκολλο μέσω της διεύθυνσης ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου ή της ηλεκτρονικής υπηρεσίας e-αίτηση,



ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ: Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου 37, Μαρούσι, Τ.Κ. 151 80

ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΙΚΑ: Στον αριθμό 210 344 2000 (Στη θέση των τεσσάρων τελευταίων ψηφίων μπορούν να τοποθετηθούν τα τέσσερα ψηφία του εσωτερικού τηλεφώνου του γραφείου που σας ενδιαφέρει, ώστε να επικοινωνήσετε απ' ευθείας).

ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΑ συμπληρώνοντας την φόρμα

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