04 07 16 gimnasio1

04-07-16 Filis stresses importance of geology, geography courses

According to a document issued by the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP), instruction in the natural sciences is of major importance for the democratic participation of citizens in a world dominated by issues and challenges related to the natural sciences and technology.

It should be noted that today even in European countries the interest of students in the natural sciences has receded, as has an interest in careers in the said fields.

The above observations are included in a document that Education, Research and Religious Affairs Minister Nikos Filis transmitted to parliament, adding that the Institute of Educational Policy document recommends limiting one-hour courses and the instruction of the Geology-Geography course for two hours a week in the first and second years of junior high school (gymnasium).

 In concluding his written response, Nikos Filis says that the new hourly course programme for day junior high schools is transitional. It will be re-evaluated when the conclusions of the ongoing national dialogue on education are issued.

Moreover, the hourly course schedule for all three junior high school (gymnasium) grades is determined by ministerial decision 93381/D2/07-06-2016, as published in Government Gazette B’ 1640).



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