Helle Thorning Schmidt Getty

14-07-16 Nikos Filis to meet head of "Save the Children International"

Education, Research and Religious Affairs Minister Nikos Filis will meet tomorrow, July 15, at 8:30am, with former Danish prime minister and current CEO of the NGO “Save the Children International”, Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

The main item on the agenda is the humanitarian crisis and the issue of refugees in Greece, as well as the desire of Save the Children International to support refugee needs.

Filis and Thorning-Schmidt will make joint press statements after the talks.



Address:  Andrea Papandreou 37, Marousi, 15180, Greece

Telephone:  210-344-2000 (If you know the four-digit extension of the office you are calling, dial 210 344 + extension)


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