20 07 16 vivlio

20-07-16 School book distribution at junior high schools began on 18 July

The packaging and distribution of textbooks at secondary schools (junior high schools, or gymnasia in Greek) for the 2016-2017 academic year began on July 18 and is expected to be completed by the end of July, according to the school publications organization Diophantos.

The distribution will be preceded by notification from the Institute of Computer Technology and Publications Diophantos by email and contact from the transport service by telephone or email.

Schools and distribution centres are being asked to immediately confirm receipt of the books on their page at the web address http://publications.cti.gr, and specifically in the “Confirmation of Receipt” card in the “Receiving” section  of the menu. 

The distribution of textbooks in primary schools and high schools has already been completed. Overall, textbooks were distributed to 1,255 general high schools and 229 distribution centres, on 3,942 pallets and 214 cardboard boxes, with a total distribution of 4.73 million textbooks nationwide.

In primary schools, distribution was completed at the end of June, with 4,240 schools and 422 distribution centres receiving 6,687 pallets, 1,650 cardboard boxes, with a total distribution of 12.76 million textbooks.



Address:  Andrea Papandreou 37, Marousi, 15180, Greece

Telephone:  210-344-2000 (If you know the four-digit extension of the office you are calling, dial 210 344 + extension)


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