akadimia prosfuges

25-08-16 Refugees explore EU university education opportunities in Ancient Olympia

The summer academy for refugees entitled “Beyond the refugee crisis: Studying in Europe” is approaching a successful completion. The academy, held at the International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia between 18-27 August, is an Education Ministry pilot project aiming to inform young refugees on university education opportunities in Greece and other EU countries, including admissions requirements.

The project was an initiative of Alternate Education Minister Sia Anagnostopoulou and was organised in cooperation with the Council of Europe, the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Athens and the Panteion University. The project relied in large measure on a team of volunteers whose contribution was essential.

The programme was attended by 22 refugees and seven Greek volunteers, and the positive reaction of participants was epitomised by the reaction of a Syrian refugee who said, “At last, I feel like a university student again.”

In the course of the programme, participants were exposed to the difficulty and beauty of the Greek language. Greek-language and English-language classes were supplemented by an introduction to European culture and to issues of human rights and citizenship.

In their free time participants were able to socialise, interact and share experiences, but the experience was also invaluable for educators and professors who were able to work with a linguistically and culturally heterogeneous group.

The academy programme ends on August 27 with a round-table discussion with university students, professors, and Alternate Minister Anagnostopoulou.

The project will also give participants the opportunity to share with politicians and representatives of universities their experiences and expectations regarding the various obstacles they encounter. It also provides insight on how the Education Ministry can plan and provide refugees access to tertiary education.

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