06 09 16 pistoseis

06-09-16 15, 000 teachers hired with EU National Strategic Reference Framework funds

Funds for the hiring of over 15,000 educators have been secured through the EU’s National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF). Overall, the Education Ministry has already secured a total of 319 million euros in funding from the NSRF, the Public Investment Programme, and the Greek state budget for the hiring of 20,916 teachers/

Of the 15, 149 teachers in the first wave of hiring, the breakdown is as follows:

Uniform Type Primary Schools  4,075

Induction of vulnerable social groups in primary school induction classes/tutoring  800

Secondary School tutoring  1,000

Specialised education support/induction of disabled students and

those with special education needs  2, 483

Disabled and special education support staff 570

Pre-school and kindergarten 1,225

Individualised aid for disabled/special education  4,696

Development of support structures for induction/integration of disabled/special education 300



Address:  Andrea Papandreou 37, Marousi, 15180, Greece

Telephone:  210-344-2000 (If you know the four-digit extension of the office you are calling, dial 210 344 + extension)


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