03-11-16 Theatrical, artistic performances to be staged during school hours
Regarding the attendance of spectacles by students during the school day, the General Secretariat of Studies announces that for the 2016-2017 school year, there has been added on the Education Ministry’s website e-yliko, in the “Activities” category, a sub-category for Spectacles (theamata), which includes a list of performances and details about the theatrical performances, puppet theatre and shadow theatre. Teachers are urged, when planning class attendance at performances, to visit the website to assist in their selection.
It should be noted that the website performance postings do not constitute approval of the plays, and the related information is intended to inform the educational community about the performances. Teachers’ Associations are urged to review the information on the content of the performances before students attend.
Detailed information on the programme, in Greek, is available at the link below.