ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ & ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ - 28-11-16 Ministry response to Association of Private Schools on Myschool


28-11-16 Ministry response to Association of Private Schools on Myschool

Regarding the petition of the Hellenic Independent Schools Association to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority regarding the operation of Myschool, and all the unfounded claims they present therein, the Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs issued the following statement:  

The legal framework that governs the operation of Myschool is clear and strict, so as to fully protect the private data of students and their parents, a fact demonstrated by its three-year, impeccable operation.

The obligation of Private School Owners – based on law 4415/2016 – to send data to Myschool, as public schools do, is non-negotiable and non-compliance is illegal.

The effort of the Hellenic Independent Schools Association to annul, through various communications ruses, the implementation of the law, is both ineffective and suspect, as regards their ultimate objective.

The law will be enforced in all directions.                 



Address:  Andrea Papandreou 37, Marousi, 15180, Greece

Telephone:  210-344-2000 (If you know the four-digit extension of the office you are calling, dial 210 344 + extension)


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