ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ & ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ - 28-11-16 Conference on sweeping upgrade of digital skills

digital commitee

28-11-16 Conference on sweeping upgrade of digital skills

A joint meeting was held today at the Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs between Ministry Secretary General Yannis Pantis, the General Secretary of the Ministry of Digital Policy, Communications and Information, Yannis Tafilis, the newly formed ministry Committee on Digital Policy, and 57 presidents of departments of Information Technology of universities and tertiary technical schools.

The objective of the conference was to bolster the digital kills of Greek citizens, in response to European data that place Greece in the second to last position among EU member-states, regarding the use and exploitation of computer systems.

Mr. Pantis proposed a series of measures to upgrade the knowledge and use of digital technology, both in education and in the other occupations and activities of Greek citizens:

  1. Improvement of the programmes of studies in computer science at universities and tertiary technical schools (TEI), so as to include information technology, regardless of the area of learning in each faculty and department.
  2. The creation of a five-member committee comprised of members from universities and TEI, which will cooperate with both the Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs and with the Ministry of Digital Policy, Communications and Information, with the aim of forming a joint vehicle to work on the promotion and development of digital capabilities and the effective management of information systems, throughout all of Greek society.

By order of Ministry Secretary General Yannis Pantis, a decision has been issued founding the Committee of Digital Policy of the Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs, as well as appointing its Executive Committee.

The ministry, recognising the need to institute a joint digital policy, appointed to the aforementioned committee representatives of the administration and central bureaus of the education ministry.

The decision is available, in Greek, in PDF format below:

Η απόφαση σε μορφή pdf



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