ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ & ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ - 19-12-16 Students sing Christmas carols for Minister Gavroglou, ND shadow education minister

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19-12-16 Students sing Christmas carols for Minister Gavroglou, ND shadow education minister

This morning, students of the Worskshop of Special Education Vocational Training of Piraeus – EEEEK – accompanied by their teachers, visited the Education Ministry to sing Christmas carols for Minister Constantinos Gavroglou.

As it happened, at the time, Minister Gavroglou was meeting with New Democracy shadow education minister Niki Kerameos, who joined him in listening to the carols.

Gavroglou and Kerameos exchanged holiday wishes with the children and teachers.

The entire meeting took place in a cordial climate, and hopes were expressed that this might constitute the start of a period of consensus regarding the dialogue on major educational issues.



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