ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ & ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ - 29-12-16 PM Tsipras, Minister Gavroglu, Archbishop visit children’s recreation centre

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29-12-16 PM Tsipras, Minister Gavroglu, Archbishop visit children’s recreation centre

Two children’s songs – one in Greek and another in Arabic – at the Dimitreio Centre for Creative Activity welcomed  PM Alexis Tsipras and Education Minister Gavroglu, at an event also attended by Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece.

The centre caters to students from Greece and abroad, who lunch there, can do their homework, and engage in creative activities before returning home in the afternoon.

Tsipras and Ieronymos sent a message of solidarity, coexistence and love. The PM expressed pride in how Greeks have handled the dual economic and migration crises.

The PM said love, solidarity, and helping fellow humans have diachronically been at the core of both Hellenism and the Orthodox Church, which he praised for its charitable activities during the crisis, such as a large network of soup kitchens.

Tsipras said the state amidst crisis has worked hard to offer social protection structures to both Greeks and migrants.

Ieronymos extolled the harmonious inter-cultural cooperation between children at the centre.



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